
Name: Jimson
Age: 15-16
School: Greenview Secondary
Birthday: 5 Aug 1994


January 2010
February 2010
March 2010




Friday, February 26, 2010

Today was another mudane school day. Nothing special except the badminton match. SO exciting but we lost ): But nevermind, Failure is the mother of success ( smth like that ) but this is their last year D: Catalyst had many things as usual that makes people think. Did something quite impossible but nothing was impossible so we tried. Then after going home, bathed, ate dinner and go tuition. Practised rate of change today. Had a little problem but still solved it eventually. My heart beated for the first time when I saw you.

Thats about all for today.
The end.

6:06 AM
Jimson (:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Okay was another boring day. As usual, Mondays and Tuesday has the most boring lessons except Emath D: Tomorrow got Chem test, hope can do well. Apparently, my other cousins got 9 and 10 for O lvl ... Physics test is still unknown so I'm just gonna study ~.~ Geog test on Thurs, hope can do well :O Emath next week. Must do well since my CA1 was pathetic . Anyway, after school fixed the fan for class. Sadly cannot put at the back since no plug T.T Then Math Olympaid started. Was rather easy o.o Hoping the exam can be like that but I HIGHLY doubt so. Studying for Chem test now. Seems alot but I'll try. So, Bye!

The End

4:19 AM
Jimson (:

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ok. I know I haven't been blogging since I'm ABIT lazy and there's alot of homework. Lets keep this short since I'm quite tired.

CNY was okay ... Many angbao ... Some of my relatives pretend never see me. No angbao ): Then first day went to see my 100! year old great grandma :D 2nd day was bad since making my hair was very hard D: Don't know why . Third day went bball then forgot le ... Then I cut my hair. Apparently the barber used a shaver that I wasn't aware of causing a VERY short hair. Then English tests were bad. I just passed REP ... Failed Summary cause no time write finish ): Hoping compo can help me pass >.< Many test this week... Wed - Chem , Thurs - Amath and Geog ? Physics is unknown since it's not his habit to tell us when. SS not sure... Chinese not sure also ...

Oh well. Thats it I guess ? I'm very shag so I don't feel like typing much.
Have fun people. G.Nights ~

The End.

7:22 AM
Jimson (:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today was a boring day since all double period lesson. Physics Mr Lim never come but got math homework to do... Chem SPA washing the apparatus that time use stain remover. My hand tio some then so damn itchy. Like many many ants biting you that kind of feeling .__. Anyway, School's getting boring, don't know why today so sleepy :O Then after school go Loyang with Danil then go home. Roy and Nigel camp at my house again ~.~ Play cards and Roy play BS while I was on the verge of sleeping ... Nothing much to blog about. Cny soon. Tml no half day _l_ Haiz... The feeling of mistrust is always the last which a great mind acquires and He who mistrusts most should be trusted least.

2:14 AM
Jimson (:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Okay. These few days many homework. No time slack ): Haiz nvm.
Apparently I just BARELY passed my REP 15/30 .__. I never did well for The Mocking Bird tests anyway. My English this term should be rather bad BUT my other subs are improving ! Chinese 68/100. Math ??/100 but should be quite high anyway. Amath 28/30 _l_ the 2 marks on careless. Geog. 17/25 ! SS IS THE BEST. I ACTUALLY PASSED 15/25 !! This should be my 2nd SS test that I passed since Sec 3. Physics idk. Chem was still bad ... CA2 next week I guess.

CNY around the corner. So is valentines.... Okay nvm. Don't really wanna say much bout it though... CNY wear so formal ~.~ But nice ;D As always ... Roy and Nigel don't tell me anything much. Haizz. A bit sad but oh well. Today Nigel and Ruddin come my house again play cards ~ Then help ppl tag exp also ~ Now doing homework... Left Amath and Physics -.-" Stilll haven't finish Emaths ! Dammn.

Anyway, this few days no mood do things. Don't really want to say why. Need someone I can ACTUALLY talk to but apparently I can't really find any... Brothers don't tell me thing, I can't do much anyway. I've fought it for a long time now while drowning in the river of denial. Nevermind, now Math Olympaid got formula, makes it MUCH easier. Hope can get another medal again >.< ANYWAY, 28/30. IT FEELS GREAT TO PROVE SOMEONE WRONG WHEN THEY DOUBT YOU BEFORE.

The End.

5:09 AM
Jimson (:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Okay. Sorry I haven't been updating. I doubt anybody reads anyway.

- I went to Bedok buy 1 shirt.
- I went to T1 Recoil buy 1 shirt and pants for CNY.
- I went to TM buy new shoe.

Nothing much on that day actually.

- I woke up late, then went to bball.
-Play 1 hour then go Mac eat since I haven't had breakfast.
- Roy,Nigel, Jerold camp at my house.
- Play Audition with Desiree and talked to her for the first time.
- Roy and Nigel stole my comp when I was helping Jerold ...
- Jerold dota 1.5 games ...
- They went home.
- I do homework.
- Pack bag go sleep.

Nothing much actually except talking to people I never knew I would. Good to make new friends :D

- Woke up late so make hair time was short
- Boring lessons...
- Stand up during Geog cos I never hear what Ms Lim asked ...
- Sit down later on...
- Nothing much today.

PHYSICS TILL 4.10PM !! Mr Lim has the power lol. His lesson quite effective for me but scolds alot. Then out of the blue slam the ruler on table. I chua tio .__.

Left school with Roy, Nigel and Ruddin. Slack outside minimart awhile. Cannot stop laughing at Ruddin for making funny noises and when his face change when Roy made him laugh. We all went insane... Roy cam whore-d during camp ... I do random actions and being all kiddy ... Ruddin can't stop laughing... Nigel became gay and do Okama kenpo [ Okama = queer ] and was forced to be insane. LOL

After that went home, doing homework now... I FOUND MY LOST NATIONAL GEOG BOOK !!
So thats all for now. I go do homework le ! :D

The end.

3:55 AM
Jimson (:

Friday, February 5, 2010

Apparently I forgot to blog yesterday since I was busy. So I shall start today !
School is same old things. I'm hopefully awaiting a full marks for Amath test :D
During Catalyst, we watched " Million dollar Baby " which was quite touching and teaches us many things. And I finally know my dream ! My dream is to HAVE a dream.

After school, wanted to go basketball but Roy don't want so they camp at my house play cards, listen music and eat.They stayed till 5.30 then leave then I dota ! After that go tuition, Victor's friends talked to me and Roy. They called me Mr. Jimson ... but nvm. Someone called me SMART .
Then Roy went laughing like some mad bitch guy. T.T Then they told me about another person whom I forgot the name ... but I remember the face ! Now the tuition like got so many friends xD

Anyway, on the way home saw her again. Quite normal since she was once WSPS so she prolly stayed near there.
Nothing much le. Tomorrow go buy CNY clothes :D

The End.

6:49 PM
Jimson (:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today was great ! Amath test was rather easy. Hope can get full marks >< !! Then after school got Olympaid diagnostic test. I was very very very tired so I wasn't that focused then anyhow do ~.~ Then I see infront one girl, her paper she drawing. Then Jun Yi and me saw and laughed.

After that, follow Jerold and Jun Yi to Loyang Point help them smuggle bubbletea into school for one milktea ;D Then reach class see people already eating Mac -.-" Jun Yi later play with the projector and keep freezing the picture. Me and Ruddin laughing like zxzx. Then got 2 conversation damn funny.

1. Fathin : * seeing Ruddin phone pictures * OMG! You take picture of your balls ?!
TTR,Danil,Me : HAHAHA *wtf?*
Fathin : 1 white 1 yellow ! LOL

2. Fathin > Ruddin : Whose ur dog ?
Ruddin : *points at TTR*
Fathin > TTR : Whose ur dog ?
TTR : *points at Ruddin*
Fathin : Dogs are men best friends.
Ruddin : TTR not man.
Me : LOL !

Okay, time to do homework.

The End.

4:32 AM
Jimson (:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Okay. Today started off on a bad note since I did NOT finish my summary test. Left 4 points haven write finish ): Sian, summary so easy score de T.T

Anyway, I'm a Chinese HUSKAR !! I can throw a javelin during PE lesson but some mushroom bastard guy had to throw further >.<

Im still bad at Chem. Trying to improve but doubt so. If can get A1 for Physics, pass Chem I happy le since Emath and Amath as good as A1 le.

Tomorrow Amaths test then Math Olympaid diagnostic test. Haiz, 4 test straight in 3 days. The class is also STILL waiting apparently for our REP test and Physics test to come back.

After school go minimart buy sweets to get energy.

The end :D

1:14 AM
Jimson (:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today SS test ! I don't know what to say though. 1a) was rather easy for me. I just didn't understand 1b). Apparently, Ms Lau teach better than Mrs Chew to me as I was ABLE to understand and bothered to do notes which were illegible.

Then in class, Amirruddin is still not immune to Royston's unholy hands. When Amirruddin want to contain the laughter and suddenly laugh looks so priceless xD

I'm blogging since I did all my homework yesterday :D Anyway, my Chinese test got 68/100. So happy xD If only I did question 10, I can get at least 70 which looks nicer than 68 ):

Thats all for today I guess ? Time to slack ! ;D

The end.

2:00 AM
Jimson (:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mondays and Tuesdays are boring. All the non-mathematical subjects other than Emaths and Physics apparently are quite dull to me. Also, Physics 2 period SPA , 1.45pm - 4pm Physics .___.
Anyway, tomorrow SS test, doubt I will pass though.

Jerold told ALOT of lame jokes and one damn Math question which was impossible to solve. Today de SS no lesson so happy ^^v and we have seen Amirruddin's true nature !

I was suffering BADLY due to some bastard sitting beside me.
Tomorrow go back 4E2 classroom. Good or bad ? I don't know.

One more thing is, during English the 3 compo title. One was How to overcome fear. I can only overcome it if Royston was obliterated for I will always have fear instilled in me .__. I also realised i developed a natural reaction to any of Royston's fast movements. That is exactly how bad it is T.T

Lastly, Victor walked past me without reconizing me. So sad, I don't look all that different ):

Okay, this is also the first time I posted so much words so.. yay ? Time to do homework !


1:44 AM
Jimson (:

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies